I am Rabiya Islam, I had done your training almost 8-10 years ago, but till now i get benefit it for my personal & professional life both...How we can communicate with others & how can we boost up our confidence everything we learned from your training. Not only that we also learned cv making, interview facing tips & tricks...Thanks a lot dear for your tremendous support for us.
I am Tasnim I met Mr. Edwin when I was fortunate enough to get him as a soft skill trainer in my university (NSU) in 2016. Since then, he has been a great mentor to me. His words have always inspired me to be an invincible person and to never stop striving for what I want. I have never been so determined to prove myself before I met him. He helped me to build my career and excel in my first job. It is quite rare to meet someone like him who is an outstanding life coach and can bring out the best in you. He has exception people skills through which he can read a person's strength and weaknesses. Then, he guides them to convert those weaknesses into their strengths. I remember talking to him about different issues I was facing. He always listened to all my nagging and instead of giving me a direct solution he coached me to find the solution myself by asking the right questions and finding the answers. In short, he didn't let me become a parasite who will always run to him whenever there is a problem. Rather, he trained me to be a warrior who will figure out the solution herself. The way he has pushed me to be the best version of myself was exquisite and I will never forget that. I will forever be grateful to him for coaching me to make one of the best decisions of my life. I cannot express in words what your help meant to me at that point in my life and how that became a turning point eventually. Thank you, mentor! The world needs more and more people like you